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Autor: Betreff: American Brewer starting in Germany

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Registriert: 18.10.2011
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smilies/puzzled.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 03:10  
I am an American living in Winnweiler Germany and I am new to brewing beer. I don't know anything about brewing in Germany. Is there a store locally where I can buy ingredients? I have made my own equipment but it would be nice to buy some special equipment like a hydrometer. I know I can use the internet but I was wondering if there is a cheaper and quicker way.
Thank you

james brackett
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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 04:29  
Hi James,

welcome to this forum, one of the best exchange platform for beer knowledge I have found anywhere.

I live in Canada, so I don't have much knowledge of the stores in your area, but I am sure you will get some helpful info tomorrow when everyone wakes up and had some time to digest your question.

All the best to you and I hope you will enjoy you time in Germany.

With kind regards, Joerg

P.s.: it always baffles me how many home brewers exist in Germany, a land that I consider one of the best industrial beer brewing countries in the world, with very, very affordable prices. It is just about close to have beer come out of the sink faucet.

Ich braue Hoppesäcker Ur-biere nach dem Hoppesäcker Reinheitsgebot von AD512 (Dokument ging leider verloren).
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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 06:12  
Hi James,

There aren´t really stores in Germany where you can go an buy equipment.
Most of us order online in the internet.
One internet store I can really recoment ist hops-and-more.
They can obtain nearly everything if you ask and their service is superior.
You pay 5 Euro shipping each order, no matter how much it is or will weight and delivery time is very short.
If you have american recipes it could be difficult to get some of their special malts or it could be that they have different names.
Good luck and keep asking questions.


[Editiert am 18.10.2011 um 06:27 von Boludo]
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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 07:57  
If there is a microbrewery near Winnweiler you can try to ask for some ingredients. I get my yeast from a microbrewery for example. I hope you can german, otherwise the brewer don´t understand you ;-)

In some areas in germany are malt factories, where you can buy malt in big quantities (25kg).

Immer wenn man denkt das Niveau ist schon im Keller, kommt ein Bagger und hebt noch 4 Etagen aus. (Oliver Kalkofe)
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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 08:08  
Hi, James,

the next malt factory near to you is Palatia Malt in Kreimbach-Kaulbach, just give it a try and ask there for malt but I am not sure whether they are willing to sell minor amounts of malt (< 25 kg).

Unfortunately there is only a phon no.: 06304/9215

BTW: the next brewery directly in Winnweiler is Bischoff, just contact them.
EDIT: You are staying in a famous wine area, so try to get a socalled “Oechsle Waage” you can calculate the °Oechsle into % Brix or °P later on. Just seek for a “Reformhaus”, the are usually well equipped in wine making materials.
Best thing to obtain hops, yeast and malt is to ask someone in the Bischoff brewery

Good luck!

[Editiert am 18.10.2011 um 08:31 von tauroplu]

„Lass die anderen mit Fichten- und Tannensprossen würzen, der Hopfen ist das Beste, was die Natur uns bietet.“
Aus "Das Erbe des Bierzauberers" von Günther Thömmes, Gmeiner Verlag
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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 08:50  
If you are living arround Nuremberg, there is a local store called "Eberle Brauereibedarf". They also have a homepage which can be found by Google or in the wiki. If you are living arround Bamberg, there is a store called "Heinrich Leicht GmbH". Both offer brewery equipment. In those two regions, you can find some malt factories, too. Weyermann, Donaumalz, Steinbach Malz & Klostermalz.

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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 09:38  

aber er hat doch geschrieben, dass er in Winnweiler wohnt, das ist recht weit weg von Nürnberg und Bamberg.


„Lass die anderen mit Fichten- und Tannensprossen würzen, der Hopfen ist das Beste, was die Natur uns bietet.“
Aus "Das Erbe des Bierzauberers" von Günther Thömmes, Gmeiner Verlag
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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 12:13  

a by my Malt at Palatina Malt in Wallertheim. Ist half an hour from Winnweiler. They sell amounts of 25 Kg, around 0,7-0,8 € per Kg. Call them a day before (or send an email) and they will prepare the malt ready for you.

All the other stuff I by at hops-and-mor - in my opinion, the best shop.

Have a good brew...

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smilies/mad3.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 12:14  
Ah, hatte ich übersehen!

Mehr vom Bier wissen, heißt: Mehr vom Bier haben!
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Matthias H
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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 12:30  
Hi James, welcome!
Our fellow home brewer "Braupaddler" is a nice guy, living only a few kilometers from Winnweiler.
You could ask him, I'm pretty sure, he will help you.

Viele Grüße
Matthias H

"..was lange gärt, wird endlich gut!"
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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 12:39  
Hi James! I lived in Winnweiler for two years. I absolved an apprenticeship at the local brewery "Bischoff". Their Weizenbeer and Premium Pilsener are excellent by the way!!
Anyways I also startet brewing when i lived there and the easiest way is to purchase your equipment online at www.hobbybrauerversand.de.
Have a great time in Winnweiler. I know there`s not too much to do there but Kaiserslautern and Mainz are close ;)

Cheers! KliTscH
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red_folder.gif erstellt am: 18.10.2011 um 13:48  
Welcome in Germany. I can second the recommendation about the homebrew shop. You will find excelent service and low shipping costs there. If you´re used to gravity readings get a "Oechsle Waage" like mentioned and you don´t need to transfer.
Where in the US are you from?
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