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Autor: Betreff: Helles Bock and Märzen

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 1.3.2013
Status: Offline
red_folder.gif erstellt am: 1.3.2013 um 23:21  
Hi there,
I wanna make these two beers for my contract brewing project in the Czech rep. I would like to ask you, what is the most important thing in brewing these beers? Are you making infusion/decoction? What about yeast (what kind of yeast) and what about process of fermentation?
Thanks for your answers.
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Beiträge: 5619
Registriert: 12.4.2011
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Geschlecht: männlich
red_folder.gif erstellt am: 2.3.2013 um 10:19  
Hi Jakub,

It depends quite a lot what you want to achieve. May be some question can help to better understand your goal.

Märzen is a quite broad style, from the "little" stronger Austrian style, which is like an Export Lager in Germany, to the Oktoberfesttype Märzen. What type you want to brew?

The same for the heller Bock. You can find full bodied beer types with a massiv, sweetish body but you can also find a very lean, hoppy type of the same style which is fully fermented with nearly no remaining sugars ( that's the type I prefer, like the Maibock style)



[Editiert am 2.3.2013 um 11:44 von JanBr]
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Beiträge: 5619
Registriert: 12.4.2011
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Geschlecht: männlich
red_folder.gif erstellt am: 2.3.2013 um 10:39  
But anyway, here are the most important characterstics of the beer styles:

Märzen: Color is normaly dark orange to dark golden or amber (17-36 EBC) The beer has a malty character. It is, per definition, always bottom fermented, in a cold fermentation with long storage. Bitterness is around 20- 30 IBU. gravity 13- 14P. Alc. rougthly 5-6. Grain is Pilsner mixed with Vienna and/ or Munich, Vienna mixed with Munich or pure Vienna. Hops should be continental varities, best old noble varities. And sure, decoction will help with the full body maltiness.

Heller Bock: min. Gravity per definition is 16P. Yellow in color (15- 28EBC). The beer has also a malty character, but is also crisp. Moderate bitterness (20-35 IBU) with little to hops aroma. Hops should be noble varities. Water should be soft to avoid harsh bitterness. Fermentation alswayys bottom fermentation. Cold and slow with long storag.

If you need some examples, I can give you some commercial names.


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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 1.3.2013
Status: Offline
red_folder.gif erstellt am: 3.3.2013 um 18:11  
Hello Jan,
thanks for your answer.

I have to do stronger versions, so oktoberfestbier/märzen will be better option than "classical märzen".
I don't know much about heller bocks, but all of them, which I ever tasted was malty, full bodied ones with mild hop aftertaste.

I know the BJCP descriptions, so I am trying to find practical advices of making these beers, for example - types of decoction, interests of brewing processes, fermentation processes etc. I have never brewed german beers, cause they are nontraditional in Czech. So every little thing could be important for me.
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Beiträge: 5619
Registriert: 12.4.2011
Status: Offline
Geschlecht: männlich
red_folder.gif erstellt am: 3.3.2013 um 19:40  
Try this for the heller Bock:
Mailüfterl - Hopfiger heller Maibock

Technische Daten

Stammwürze 16,0 °P
Bittere 31 IBU
Farbe 7 EBC
Karbonisierung: 5g/l
Gärtemperatur 8 °C
Alkoholgehalt 7,4 %

6,8 Kg PiMa

Möglichst weich; RA-> 0
28 l Hauptguß
12 l Nachguß

Total 5g Alphasre.
2,5 g Alphasre. bei Kochbeginn
1,6 g Alphasre. nach 70 Minuten Kochzeit
0,9 g Alphasre. bei Kochende
Hopfen als HA Mittelfrüh

Wyeast 2487 Hella Bock

Einmaischen bei 61 °C und direkt 60 Minuten rasten.
5 Liter Dickmaische ziehen und 20 Minuten kochen
Nach zubrühen ergeben sich 71C
20 Minuten rasten
Jodprobe und gegebenfalls Rast verlängern.
6,6 Liter Dickmaische ziehen
5 Minuten koche
Nach zubrühen ergeben sich 79C Abmaischtemperatur
--> Abmaischen
Nachgüsse mit 78C aufbringen bis Vorderwürze 14,5P hat

Kochung 85 Minuten wallend

Kühlen auf 10C --> Anstellen
Hauptgärung 12 Tage@9C bis ca. 3,5P Restextrakt
Nachgärung bei 9C spunden auf Karbonisierung
Min. 4 Wochen bei 0C reifen lassen.

Don't forget to send me a sample ;)

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