Sorry for writing in English but I am in work now and it would take me way
too long to write this in German
I was looking on the internet for a recipe for making dark candy syrup to
use for future Belgian brews and I found this great resource for Belgian
(and some German) beer clones.
If you have the ability to do a “kombirast” and good control over your
fermentation temperatures these recipes have great potential.
What I really like about them is the simplicity of the grain bill and hops
For example I am a huge fan of Chimay Grand Reserve (Blue).
When I looked for clones for this on some forums I found a lot of complex
recipes using at least 5 different types of grain, adding special spices
and uncommon hops.
On this site they just use PiMa and Caramu and let the spicy/fruity flavors
develop from fermenting the yeast at the correct temperatures. The hops are
also just simple Saaz and Hallertau.
They do include their own candi syrup in the recipes but it should be easy
enough to get a substitute here or make your own similar product.
I still need to try them out but they sound great to me anyway
The Belgian Caramel Wit is not very traditional though
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