Wasser, Malz, Mais, Glukosesirup, Zucker, Kohlensäure, Aroma (Tequila,
Etherische Öle, Pflanzenextrakt),Säuerungsmittel Zitronensäure E330,
Hopfenextrakt, Antioxidationsmittel , Ascorbinsäure E300.
Auszug aus:
Übrigens auch sehr schön:
Brewery: Fischer Brewery, France.
Style and Presentation: Special, B.
Only interesting due to the fact that it contains tequila (or tequila
flavoring anyway). Made in France and shows the French know shit-all about
beer, so they try and pass it off as Mexican. Drink for a change but it
ain't beer. Lolly water due to the large quantity of sugar added. Matt
adds mass consumption could be dangerous.
G ** M ** T ** (Aus$$$$$)
Hopfen und Malz ... ab in den Hals