Newbie   Beiträge: 9 Registriert: 6.3.2004 Status: Offline
erstellt am: 7.3.2004 um 04:45 |
Thank you keyco that gives me a good idea for the brew i may use the 2206
wyeast i have the baviarina larger yeast any ideas on what hops to use i
may use halletua traditional it is my favourite hop and if you guys are
intrested i will send you links to aussie hobby brew forums and sites we
have a lot of brewers who like brew bocks and helles style beir
Das bier ist gut
Ps what is the main hop used in German bers like the lowenbrau (loin brew)
original and beer like bitburger ,hoffbrau haus original, berliner kindle ,
ect ect
Also do u know how to use the translater on this site with the members
sections as those one i cant read in German
that you in advance
[Editiert am 7/3/2004 von Jazman]
Senior Member   Beiträge: 412 Registriert: 13.7.2002 Status: OfflineGeschlecht: 
erstellt am: 7.3.2004 um 10:33 |
hi Jazman,
no problem
i think the main hop in germany is the Hallertauer and
great wishes to you
P.S. The english version !! if you choose the english language is does also
work, does your PC use JAVA ??
[Editiert am 7/3/2004 von Keyco] ____________________
Antwort 1 |
Newbie   Beiträge: 9 Registriert: 6.3.2004 Status: Offline
erstellt am: 7.3.2004 um 10:46 |
i love those hops i have used the usa version to called santuim(tettnanger)
i may grow the tettnanger.
As with my pc runs windows and ie i can read the pages in english if i log
off and use the translater but any way it good than some of your speak
english it a hard language
i will work on it .
Also there are boards like this in australia and the would love to here
from german brewers as we love your beer
____________________ Save Water Drink Beer
Antwort 2 |
Senior Member   Beiträge: 412 Registriert: 13.7.2002 Status: OfflineGeschlecht: 
erstellt am: 7.3.2004 um 11:01 |
hi jazman,
please post the link of the australian sites and forum
i am interested in.
Good save the beer
P.S. Why all people love german beer???
[Editiert am 7/3/2004 von Keyco] ____________________
Antwort 3 |
Newbie   Beiträge: 9 Registriert: 6.3.2004 Status: Offline
erstellt am: 10.3.2004 um 11:56 |
Antwort 4 |
erstellt am: 10.3.2004 um 13:14 |
Hi Jazman,
I startet homebrewing with a kit of Coopers, bought in Australia, Mackay
very often I have a visit to Australia, mostly I spend my time at the
east-coast, espacially Mackay, Qld.
I must say, Australia has a lot of good beers too.
I like XXXX Gold (not the others), because it has only 3,6% alcohol and
also Hahn as a light-beer. In the heat of Australia one get dizzy
ofcourse, when the sun is down, the VB or Fosters tastes good too.
Australia is a Paradise for homebrewer. In almost every town is a
Here in Germany you may only dream of it.
Also the kits are much cheaper in Australia then here, anyway, almost
everything is cheaper there.
How did you find this Board?
and what area are you living out there?
Newbie   Beiträge: 9 Registriert: 6.3.2004 Status: Offline
erstellt am: 11.3.2004 um 11:10 |
Heavybyte im from Adelaide and i thought u would have a good source of
ingrediants liek good hoephner and weymanns malz but we have them here to
as with Aussie beer i think it is rubbish and most of us Aussie homebrewers
reckon our beer is better
Us homebrewers hate vb with a passion and any other stuff like that
i found this board from a link from another site i also visit sites from
the usa to
which is a chat room and us aussie go their
But in summer nothing goes down beter than a lager or a good pilsner our
summers are up 44 deg celuis on the hottest days
but the yanks and poms have the better home stuff ____________________ Save Water Drink Beer
Antwort 6 |
Junior Member  Beiträge: 28 Registriert: 19.8.2003 Status: OfflineGeschlecht: 
erstellt am: 11.3.2004 um 11:17 |
Bezüglich der Benutzung von Holzfässern: Ich habe mir selbst jetzt auch ein
paar Holzfässer gekauft. Es gibt eigentlich nicht viel das man beachten
muß, ein Kumpel von mir füllt sein Bier meist in Holzfässer zur Nachgärung.
Du mußt auf jedenfall aufpassen das Du nicht zu viel vergärbaren Extrakt im
Bier hast da die Fässer weniger Druck aushalten wie ein Keg, aber im
normalfall 1 bar halten Sie auf jeden Fall aus. Am besten den
Spundungsdruck bis 0,5 oder 0,6 bar einstellen. Wenn man die Holzfässer
einmal sauber hat und dann Bier drin war nach dem leeren einfach gleich
wieder saubermachen und verschliessen, dann macht das Reinigen keine
Probleme. Büttner gibt es leider soweit ich weiß nur noch einen oder zwei.
Einer ist in Weismain, der ist auch ganz günstig hat auch öfters gebrauchte
Gruß Unke
____________________ Hopfen und Malz, Gott erhalt´s!
Antwort 7 |
Newbie   Beiträge: 9 Registriert: 6.3.2004 Status: Offline
erstellt am: 14.3.2004 um 10:42 |
How is your homebrew supplies in Deutschland i thopught it would be good
beung close to england which has a lot of hmebrew stuff like muntons ect
also with good malters like hoephner and weymann (sorry about the spelling)
And good hops grown in your county
I also have Inlaws that are german my father in law is from munich
we in Australi have lots of homebrew shops and can get english and deutch
malz and hops and our own aussie malz and hops
Happy brewing
____________________ Save Water Drink Beer
Antwort 8 |
erstellt am: 14.3.2004 um 19:28 |
Hi Jazman,
as I wrote in a previous post: Zitat: | Australia is a Paradise
for homebrewer. In almost every town is a homebrewer-shop.
Here in Germany you may only dream of
it. |
ofcourse we do have some internetshops for
homebrewing-equipment, but not as much as in Australia, not at all.
anyway, as I wrote, the prices here are much higher then in Australia, even
if we are very close to england. I´d say, we have to pay almost double the
price then in your country.
That means for ready-made beer-kits.
Another thing is, to brew your own beer in he mash-method, but in this
case, you need a lot of expensive equipments.
We have one big handicap here in germany, that is our law.
Our law allows us to brew only 200l per year without paying tax and anyway
you have to report any time you brew beer to the customs.
so, I´m looking forward to visit Australia again coming november.
[Editiert am 14/3/2004 von heavybyte]
Newbie   Beiträge: 9 Registriert: 6.3.2004 Status: Offline
erstellt am: 15.3.2004 um 11:09 |
well what a bugger and u should came to adelaide and meet some home brewes
we love to meet u and if u go to queensland there are heaps of brewers
there and the law about 200 litre sucks
____________________ Save Water Drink Beer
Antwort 10 |