Wir haben sehr gute Preise für amerikanischen Hopfen bekommen. Diese Preise
sind unschlagbar!
Ich muss schnell wissen, wer interessiert ist, sonst ist dieses Angebot
möglicherweise nicht mehr verfügbar, weil es an einen laufenden Auftrag
gebunden ist. Das Angebot gilt nur bis Montag!
Wer hat Interesse an einer Sammelbestellung?
Wer Hopfen möchte meldet sich bitte schnellstmöglich. Nachdem klar ist,
dass genug Leute bestellen, geht es weiter.
Preis pro 250g
Mt Hood € 5,26
Williamette € 4,78
Pacific Gem € 5.73
Motueka € 6,65
+ tatsächliche Versandkosten
Buchstabieren x markierten 20-mal bedeutet, dass wir genug für diese Art
von Hopfen zu bestellen haben. Ein x ist gleich an 250g Hopfen. Mindestens
20 kg muss für diese Preise erreicht werden. Das Angebot gilt nur bis
Montag! Wenn die Bestelldaten nicht beachtet werden, wird dieses Angebot
nicht mehr gut sein.
Hops to order!
von allen weiteren Bestellungen gibt es nur Motueka nicht mehr
von allen weiteren Bestellungen gibt es nur 500g Willamette verfügbar, wer
würde dieser letzte hopfen gerne kaufen?
Ich habe immer noch zu viel von Mt. Hood, 1250g ist verfügbar wer würde
dieser letzte hopfen gerne kaufen?
Ich habe immer noch zu viel von Pacific Gem, 2000g ist verfügbar wer würde
dieser letzte hopfen gerne kaufen?
Irgendwann heute wird eine Bestimmung gemacht werden
aus der vorherigen Sammelbestellung ist verfügbar:
Hallertauer Magnum, Bitter 2500g € 2,25 je 250g
Perle, Aroma, P90 500g - € 2,25 je 250g
Simcoe 750g € 9,50 je 250g
Cluster € 4,46 - geschlossen nicht zur Verfügung
Columbus € 3,80 --- geschlossen nicht zur Verfügung
Crystal € 5,84 - X X X -- geschlossen nicht zur Verfügung
Sovereign € 4,03 -- geschlossen nicht zur Verfügung
Green Bullet € 4,95 - X X X X X X X X X X X X -- geschlossen nicht zur
Pacific Jade € 5.73 - X X X -- -- geschlossen nicht zur Verfügung
Southern Cross € 5.73 - X X X -- -- geschlossen nicht zur Verfügung
Fuggles € 4,23 -- -- geschlossen nicht zur Verfügung
Goldings € 4.01 -- -- geschlossen nicht zur Verfügung
Popular American development in 1976 of the English Fuggle. Named for the
Willamette Valley, an important hop-growing area. It has a character
similar to Fuggle, but is more fruity and has some floral notes. Used in
British and American ales. A recent taste-test comparison between Ahtanum
and Willamette has described some similarity between the varieties
Mount Hood
Soft American variety developed from Hallertau. Frequently used in styles
that require only a subtle hop aroma (German/American lagers). Named for
Mount Hood in Oregon. Substitutes: Liberty, Hallertau, Crystal.
An American triploid variety developed in 1993 from Hallertau, Cascade,
Brewer's Gold and Early Green. It is spicier than Hallertau (cinnamon,
black pepper, and nutmeg). Substitutes: any Hallertau variety, Mount Hood,
A high yielding, high alpha acid American bittering hop. Also known by the
trade name Tomahawk. One of the "Three Cs" along with Cascade and
Centennial. Like the others it is citrusy and slightly woody. Columbus has
a very high amount of total oils, and can impart a 'resiny' quality to a
beer. Substitutes for bittering: Nugget, Chinook. Substitutes for aroma and
flavor: Cascade, Centennial.
Originated from mass selection of the Cluster hop, which is an old American
cultivar. It is suggested that they arose from hybridization of varieties,
imported by Dutch and English settlers and indigenous male hops. There is
an early ripening and a late ripening Cluster cultivar. Also known as
Golden Cluster. They can give a black currant aroma/flavor. Substitutes:
Brewer's Gold.
Fuggle is an aroma-type cultivar selected in England as a chance seedling
in 1861. It reached its peak in the U.K. in 1949 when 78% of the English
crops were grown as Fuggle. It is also marketed as Styrian (Savinja)
Golding in the Slovenian Republic. In the USA it is grown in Oregon and
Washington State.
Superb in English-style ales, and lends a unique character not imparted by
the more subtle American-grown Fuggles. (alpha acid: 3.8-5.5% / beta acid:
This is a group of traditional and very popular English aroma hops grown
prior to 1790. Widely cultivated also in the U.S.A. C They are called East
Kent Goldings if grown in East Kent, Kent Goldings if grown in mid-Kent,
and Goldings if grown elsewhere in the U.K. There are many different named
cultivars such as Amon's Early Bird, Cobbs, Bramling,Canterbury, Petham
Rodmersham and in Worcestershire - Mathon. They tend to have a smooth,
sweet flavor. Most types of Goldings will work in place of another
(Whitbread Golding Variety for East Kent Goldings, e.g.). Note that Styrian
Goldings are not of this family, they rather are identical to Fuggles.
A new UK hop variety. A true "English Noble" hop with an earthy, nutty pine
Would be very at home in all English Ale styles and would be the highlight
of a Bitter, ESB or English IPA.
This is one of the hops used in Left Hand Brewing's 400 Pound Monkey IPA
Pacific Gem:
A high alpha hop with a pleasant aroma and a useful bitterness level of 13%
alpha acid. Pacific Gem can produce a cask oak flavour with distinct
blackberry aroma, along with a woody character. Used as a bittering hop by
internationally famous European brewers.
Green Bullet:
This hop variety has a unique raisin-type character, a slight floral note
and has been likened to giving a Styrian style flavour to the beer. It
consistently averages more than 12% alpha acid and its aroma qualities
match its excellent bittering power.
Southern Cross:
A spicy and lemony character typifies this high alpha variety with some
slight piney and woody hints. Southern Cross has an excellent essential oil
profile and low Cohumulone, whilst still producing alpha acid of 12%. It
produces a very "European" flavour in beers.
Pacific Jade:
The most recent release of the New Zealand Hop Research Programme Pacific
Jade is a high alpha hop, averaging 12-14%, with low Cohumulone and an
excellent oil profile. Brewing trials have shown that this hop gives the
beer a clean crisp taste, with a nice balanced palate.
This hop represents a triploid substitute for the traditional Saaz. Its
unique Saaz-like flavour, with a New Zealand twist, has made this hop very
sought after by both craft and larger international brewers. Motueka has
created a unique citrus flavour in several beer styles
EDIT: zu mehreren Änderungen an Sprache Fehler zu machen und fügen Sie eine
größere Vielfalt von Hopfen
[Editiert am 31.3.2012 um 17:55 von Birk]
Hopfen vom Ami, aus Amiland und anderswo